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That’s it then. Over. Done. Where many ‘men’s rights’activists have failed, she has triumphed. Feminism is dead and Hillary Clinton
killed it; well, at least according to a New York Times Op-Ed by Maureen Dowd.
Hillary Clinton’s landslide defeat to Bernie Sanders in the New Hampshire
primary – and in particular the popularity of Sanders amongst young women –
prompted a flurry of media coverage concerning a ‘crisis’ for Clinton and a
‘generational divide’ between women Democrat voters. Somewhat unsurprisingly,
given the click-bait headline, Dowd’s article generated attention.
Clinton’s sense of ‘entitlement’ to women as a bloc vote – according to Dowd –
has been undermined by young women ‘living the feminist dream’, where ‘gender
no longer restricts your choices’ and ‘girls grow up knowing they can be
anything they want’. Dowd highlights a generational divide where (older) Clinton
surrogates - including former Secretary of State Madeline Albright - seek to
‘shame’ young women who did not vote for her. Albright’s comment that ‘there’s
a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women’ dominated several news cycles. However, Dowd’s argument
is deeply flawed. Leaving aside that Albright’s comments were more complex than the soundbite suggested, and how
Dowd would know precisely whom Clinton feels ‘entitled to’, women’s political
preferences and voting patterns have always been complex and intersect with
factors such as, age, socio-economic background, and ethnicity in multiple ways
– just like the voting patterns of men. To conceive of women voters as a
homogenised ‘bloc’ is too simplistic; yet, whilst Clinton has underperformed
with young women (aged 17-29) generally, she won a majority of women’s votes
overall in the Iowa caucuses (53% to 42%) and following her defeat in
New Hampshire, went on to win a majority of women’s votes in Nevada (57%-41%) and South Carolina (79%-21%). On Super Tuesday Clinton’s
share of women’s votes was: Alabama (80%-17%), Arkansas (76%-23%), Georgia (76%-23%), Massachusetts (57%-42%), Oklahoma (48%-46%), Tennessee (70%-29%), Texas (70%-28%), and Virginia (70%-30%). How Clinton’s success in the
primary process so far – despite the popularity of Sanders - represents the death
of feminism is very unclear. What Dowd’s article - and the responses it
generated - does highlight however, is the continued proliferation of claims
made by others regarding Clinton’s gender.
course, arguments and opinion pieces regarding Hillary Clinton and gender are
nothing new. For as long as Clinton has been in the public eye, articles and
political commentary that centre on her femininity have abounded. Dowd herself
is a prolific writer on Clinton; a Media Matters for America Study identified 212 articles written by Dowd
on Clinton between 1993 and 2016, 75% they deemed negative, 17% of which accuse
Clinton of betraying feminism. Dowd has accused Clinton of being ‘too masculine’ whilst also urging her to ‘run as a man’. From controversies surrounding baking cookies in the 1990s to ‘playing the gender card’ (#Grandmotherknowsbest #Dealmein) in her presidential runs, Clinton is
made to account for her gender in ways that male politician’s simply aren’t. The
New Hampshire primary in particular provides an interesting example. Media
reactions to her 2008 win in the state and her loss in 2016 expose some of the reductive
ways in which Clinton - and her gender - is represented.
2008, Clinton won the New Hampshire primary, beating then-Senator Obama (39%-36%).
Her success came after an unexpected third place finish in Iowa. In the days
preceding the vote, at a campaign stop in a diner, Clinton was asked
what motivated her to run for president. Clinton’s response hit the headlines,
not because of what she said but that ‘the icy control queen of the Democratic
party, welled up with emotion’
when responding. A ream of articles were published that centred on the argument
that it was Clinton showing her softer, ‘more feminine’ side which turned the
tide and secured her win, particularly among women. Fast forward eight years
and Clinton’s loss to Sanders was framed as a rejection by women, due to a
‘cold, calculating entitlement and ambition’. In both cases Clinton’s success
and failure were framed by a reductive conceptualisation of the femininity of a
woman seeking political power.
Tannen, Professor of linguistics at Georgetown University, identifies this as
Clinton’s ‘double-bind’. As Tannen states, the double-bind is particularly
acute for women in, or seeking, positions of authority and power:
running for office, as with all women in authority, are subject to these two
demands: Be a good leader! Be a good woman! While the qualities expected of a
good leader (be forceful, confident and, at times, angry) are similar to those
we expect of a good man, they are the opposite of what we expect of a good
woman (be gentle, self-deprecating and emotional, but not angry). Hence the
double bind: If a candidate — or manager — talks or acts in ways expected of
women, she risks being seen as under confident or even incompetent. But if she
talks or acts in ways expected of leaders, she is likely to be seen as too
aggressive and will be subject to innumerable other negative judgments — and
epithets — that apply only to women”. (Washington Post, 19/02/2016)
assertiveness, her confidence and ambition are framed by cultural expectations
(and media representations) that, despite decades of feminist advances,
continue to fall back into simplistic gender binaries, wherein those
characteristics – assertiveness, confidence, ambition – are valorised and seen
as natural in men, yet somehow ‘unfeminine’ when displayed by a woman seeking
high office. These binaries are not confined to national domestic politics. Katrin E. Sjursen argues in a piece for The Atlantic that Clinton’s success in the primary
process has prompted a new round of ‘gender-based speculations about female
candidates’ inherent pacifism versus their over-compensating hawkishness’ in
foreign affairs. It would seem some things have remained very much the same in
the eighteen years since Francis Fukuyama’s much contested article ‘Women
and the Evolution of World Politics’ was published. Sjursen’s article throws into sharp focus the simplistic
binaries that continue to frame understandings of contemporary female
As of writing, Bernie
Sanders’ undoubted and enthusiastic popularity among young women (and men) continues. Yet Hillary
Clinton has established a substantial lead in delegates needed to secure the
nomination for President of the United States – a historic achievement. As the
race moves towards the general election, Hillary Clinton’s double-bind looks
set to continue. Her speech following victories in Florida, Ohio and North
Carolina was met with pundits suggesting Clinton ‘smile more’ and ‘stop shouting’. Did Hillary Clinton kill feminism?
Of course not. Articles such as Dowd’s show just how much work feminism still
has to do.
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